Tax Planning
“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” H. Stanely Judd
“Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin
We at Astron only agree with one of the quotes above. With a little planning, you are in control of how much taxes you pay. We believe you should pay the taxes you owe but not a penny more.
Tax Planning
Recognizing the amount of taxes you have already paid through the year
Choosing how much of a profit or loss do you need or want
Deciding what if any changes need to be made to W4
Figuring what your itemized deductions are
Calculating your current tax rate
Tax Tips:
Taxpayers must keep records proving the amount of contributions.
- Keep prior year returns a minimum of three years from the later of, the date you filed, or the due date of the return.
- As of January 1, 2012, tax professionals who prepare more than 10 individual tax returns in a year must e-file their clients’ returns.